Sunday, February 13, 2011

DHC - 500mg Collagen Tablets

DHC - 500mg Collagen Tablets
After trying the drink, I've also got the Collagen Tablets as well, because the drinks are really very ex. Tablets seems more affordable. So far, it's a 1 month supply at about the same price as 1 packet of drinks (10 bottles). The thing is that, 3 pills a days = 500mg. For me, I only took 2 a day as it has this fishy smell which I really don't like and don't feel like eating at times. But it was now that I perhaps, it does help a little but I'm not too sure. Let's find out if it works in 1-2 months time!

1 comment:

  1. But it was now that I perhaps, it does help a little but I'm not too sure. Let's find out if it works in 1-2 months time!voucher code for furniture village


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